schuyler kjv reference bible

I hope to take some comparison photos soon. Now, before any of this took place, noticed that the opening between the liner flanges seem to be a little narrow for the width of the textblock to fit as it should. The current train of thought is that it would be thinner, but nothings set in stone yet. I currently have a Cambridge Clarion KJV. In the interest of keeping the commentary uplifting, Im going to refrain from further comments on this thread in the hope that the focus returns to the review rather than on opinions that while relevant, are not focused on it directly. ZU VERKAUFEN! If someone blended a Clarion with a Thompson Chain, the Schuyler is what they would end up with. This in each event would occur in a string of about 5 contiguous pages. The goatskin seems flawless in its general pattern. It has verse by verse in double columns and Psalms set to stanzas in a single column. This makes it very readable. It gets really worse. Since I have never held them in my hands I was hoping you could help me. Was able to see the not very well glued down ends of the flange. I have adjusted pretty well to the TBS Westminister, and can use it while seated now. . Also, when hand holding the TBS, can insert by big finger between the text block spine and the covers spine!!! I wish that they were produced here in the US, but that is not a big problem for me. Not that it really means anything, but suspect that the TBS will not prove as durable in its end page hinges? I highly recommend the Schuyler KJV Reference Bible to anyone seeking a premium KJV. Respectfully, Picture Information. This bible is not as large as some, but for me and the way I use a bible, I need a stiffer cover that will better protect the bottoms of the pages and the cover while I read. Yep, for the money the TBS Westminster is very hard to beat. In regards to the comments about the thickness of the textblocks and the paper, the measurement (GSM) from what I understand pertains to weight. Im glad to see this document is included. Brown, Goatskin, made better than "extremely well." No ghosting through the pages, with references at the bottom of the page. The thin gold bridges or has to span the crevasses in the goat skin texture as a good flat substrate is not provided due to the shallow text imprinting. LOAN STAR PAWN LLC STATE 354609134976 A beautifully crafted New King James Bible in a clear single-column format for an exceptional Bible reading experience. How blessed we are to live in a country where we have the bible in such a range of quality and quantity, easily obtained, often available for free. Norm. Let us all pray that the forces that want to suppress the Word of God not be allowed to prosper in this country. Funny thing is; I found a use for all but the Longprimer 63. . If I could keep still behind a pulpit, the 63 would be the keeper, but since I cant keep still, the size of it is too large. There is a unique flow to the text. The longprimer has a much better verse separation with big bold print. The Treveris is a unique typesetting from Schuyler that seeks to give the Bible reader a format that is free of human commentary, i.e. Its still in the planning phase but it will most likely be smaller than the Quentel but still a larger and darker print than the KJV Reference. The cover bends over your hand while holding it. The effect of quality workmanship in this particular concern, as executed properly by Allan and LCBP is that the liner up to the start of the hinge is firmly anchored and is positioned quite close to the adjacent corner of the textblock. Thanks for the input on the different fonts between the Concord and the KJV Reference. Glory and Honour to Our Lord and Saviour, It is my understanding the Old and New Testaments were written by 40 Jewish men through the inspiration and power of GOD. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. NIV - SCHUYLER QUENTEL IMPERIAL BLUE GOATSKIN. Disappointing yes, but not enough of a deal breaker to bother with a return, maybe? I have to say I like it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I have the first generation as well. I look forward to commenting and reading all your replies on other reviews, but am going to bow out of this thread for now. First, they have created a text setting that looks more like the ol' KJV than the ol' KJV itself. All this was carried out in a skilled and meticulous manner with what was on hand, although my hands-on experience is not of the book binding trade. I agree that it shares commonality with the Thompson and Clarion with references being next to their verses. Writing In Your Bible: The Schuyler Canterbury and the Case for Traditional Wide Margin Bibles In a market packed with Bibles designed for recording both the thoughts and the artistic expressions inspired by your reading, is there still a place for traditional wide margin editions? Line Matching. KJV Schuyler Treveris Holy Bible Black Goatskin Full Yapp. Other than for note taking, it can be the be all bible. And, I have been to websites that sell goatskin hides at retail and the hides are not cheap. Schuyler has produced the Westminster with all the bells and whistles you would expect in a premium edition - goatskin leather, edge-lined, stitched, art-gilt edges, and 4 thick ribbons. Natural Grain Black Goatskin Cover with Red full Calfskin Leather Lining. Schuyler Signor. And let me tell you these bibles were in dire need of a rebind and Leonards brought them back to life. Leather cover and binding in excellent condition. It is a complex many faceted problem including unions, government regulation, difficulty finding competent people and many other things. Sponsored. It shows her standard wear folded pages, scratched gilting, etc., but the liner and cover are as good as new. Also trent.Im about to sell my new first edotion Longprimer 63. It also contains the books and chapters that appear on that page. I contributed absolutely nothing, although at one time I believed I did. Ive been tempted to get the hardcover. This is another feature that I think places this one above the Longprimer. The Canterbury is Schuyler's first originally designed King James Version. It is 139 pages and is one of the better concordances available in a Bible. List of Books and Their Abbreviations Lists all the books in Biblical order. There is more show-through than I would like, but its only really noticeable in bright lighting. 4. There are no creases on the first bible paper page either. I dont know where things are going, it seems all, workers, management, customers, and clerks cannot bear the prospect of having to listen to their own thoughts. The art blueing could just as well have been not applied. All of that is a long way of bringing me to my question. The Schuyler Treveris, named for the British printer Peter Treveris from the 1400-1500's, is a new Bible that was designed primarily to be a reader. If you have normal lighting then the KJV Reference wont be difficult to use. From my standpoint, Id say stay with the TBS Westminster. To cut to the quik, decided to try and gently lift the edge of the free endpaper if it was agreeable! Dont expect the front cover to lay down flat even if it is goatskin. Well, they are very nice and for $19 each with excellent expedited shipping rates, am not sending them back. The endpapers were done in silk moir I believe it is called, also with multiple lines of imprinting on the spine and the front plus two ribbons. Exclusive photos of these Bibles. Or how precious even a mere scrap of a bibles page was to many in Russia and Eastern Europe in the communist cold war era. I love your idea of a large print text with dictionary in the back. Free Thompson Chain-Reference Bible Webinar by Randy A Brown | Jun 28, 2022 | 0 . This looks like a truly beautiful bible! Thank you Randy, and I greatly appreciate your reviews! Had debated which color to choose since Evangelical Bible posted their picture portfolio of this new line. The verses do not appear on a new line. The second pair are placed just a little right to the center of the headband. They havent fully decided on sizes and fonts. CLICK HERE for photos. Although, I do agree with you that the tone that Randy has set on this blog in my opinion has not been followed. It is beautiful in every way. However this TBS bible is much better than the Windsor or Concord I have from them. For now, I choose to huff and admire my 53BR and Mahogany KJV Schuyler (although the Schuylers dont have a scent like the goatskin on Allans IMO). The format of the text is beautiful. Rather than section headings, the Schuyler KJV Reference Bible has chapter summaries. This is apparent in almost every product marketed in this country, Ive in my 72 years witnessed it time and time again. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I just thank God though for what we have, and hope for whatever improvement that the current environment allows. Photos of all the Canterbury. It is time to leave for evening services so Ill cut this short and wish Gods blessings on all of us. I know that there are other ministries and firms other than those I mentioned, and in the Christian Publishing environment, I have yet to encounter a scoundrel though some may exist. Allan gets this done right in my Longprimer and Clarendon KJVs and LCBP does most excellent workmanship in their edge-lined examples that I own in this aspect. But as things stand would not recommend these editions to any with a potential interest. The Schuyler KJV Reference Bible is their edition of one of my favorite KJV's ever published - the TBS Westminster. The Schuyler KJV Reference Bible is their edition of one of my favorite KJVs ever published the TBS Westminster. What I determined was that the liner is not glued down to the inside of the cover right up to the beginning of the hinge radius of the liner or to say adjacent the beginning of the flange. $152.50. The Antique Mahogany is a little brighter and has a lot more red. Was then able to easily separate each end for about 1.5 to 2 inches inboard in a diagonal manner before encountering much resistance at which point no more pulling back of the flange was attemped or even needed. They are very helpful. John, This is a beautiful bible. I found the LCBP Thompson Chain Reference too soft for me as well, that one is going out for re-binding in stiffer calfskin for the reasons I listed. I dont know how much a publisher pays per bible, but 500-1000 copies might get a little expensive, especially for a small company like Schuyler. I suspect it may last longer than the leather version. In another sense, there will be some nice books of Gods Word to be passed on, after I cease this earthly existence. It has perimeter stitching and a yapp (overhang to protect the page-edges). After all Im the one eating the faults in keeping this example!!! I am also thankful to all of the others who have made comments on this blog. Are you certain that it will be slightly smaller than the Quentel? There also seems to be somewhat of a difference in price between what the customer pays for goatskin vs. calfskin. Im also waiting on the Canterbury. Verse numbers would be even better, but that could get messy. Rated 5 out of 5. by jasetaylor Cambridge KJV Concord Reference Bible, Dark Blue Goatskin-RED Letter, Full Yapp. I am coming to a tentative conclusion that most real, practical needs can be adequately covered with ones choice of the TBS Westminster, Windsor, LCBP Cameo or one of their hand sized editions and one will not need to feel of having missed anything, but still have a quality choice and variety of good to excellent text blocks and durable covers with the obvious far cheaper prices. Free shipping. KJV Paragraph-Style Large Print Thinline Bible Review, LSB Scripture Study Notebook - New Testament Set, Quick Look Thomas Nelson NKJV Journal the Word Bible,,, TBS Westminster KJV in Black Hard Cover - Quick Look - Bible Buying Guide, The KJV Westminster Reference Bible by TBS and Schuyler: A Comparative Review | Holy Writ and Sacred Witness, 12 Bibles for Christmas - Bible Buying Guide, Using the Westminster Reference Bible - Bible Buying Guide, Old and newer King James Versions and other translations #10 Journaling Bibles and illustrative women | Belgian Biblestudents - Belgische Bijbelstudenten, Best Reference Bibles for Pastors and Preachers, Click here to learn how to support Bible Buying Guide at no cost to you, KJV Super Giant Print Reference Bible Review, MOTB Event Three Things Quality Bibles Need to Get Right, Hendricksons Hallmark Reference Bible KJV Review. The print quality is consistent throughout. Its the perfect size large enough to contain great tools and features, but not too large to carry and hold. Indexes make maps much more usable and I think premium Bible should especially have them. Another thing noticed, before any action was taken, was when hand holding the bible, the front joint of the cover formed a rib- like bulge along its length, but such was completely absent on the bottom joint. If high end skin is again desired will send a new TBS Westminster out for a custom rebinding. For my own use however I think I will stick to the TBS Westminister version. Even my old, but unused, Holman Master Study Bible (mid 1980s) in hand grained Morocco, made in the USA will rival or exceed the Netherlands entries workmanship. $280.00 + $17.10 shipping. Any idea when they will release some details about the Canterbury font size and Bible size? Also a fantastic reader. Rated 4 out of 5. by mcintyre.robert Both use the very same text block. It actually has a range of colors that mix to create a lot of visual texture. If they had something like that with the dictionary and concordance in the back it might work just great for what I wanted. I think that sound will go away with use. From paper to natural Goatskin, the Schuyler label has determined to carve out a niche which has established itself as a unique label among Bible publishers. Schuyler Canterbury KJV, Black Goatskin Bible Rated 4.89 out of 5 $ 205.00 Purchase Details Schuyler Canterbury KJV, Imperial Blue Goatskin Bible Rated 4.90 out of 5 $ 205.00 While observing this, noticed a little gap at the head and foot of the textblock where there was a trace of separation between it and the bottom side of the liner flange towards the hinge. I have nothing but the highest praise for them in my two contacts via telephone. I see a number of stress points on the inside pasted covers and expect they will eventually pull away. Picture 1 of 6. . The rich black cover is beautiful. This was rolled back about , at which point it was well secured to the textblock, along its entire length fully revealing the topside of the liner flange. FOR SALE! The Schuyler Canterbury looks VERY interesting. KJV Schuyler Canterbury Holy Bible Black Goatskin Full Yapp New (Other) C $680.56 Top Rated Seller or Best Offer from United States Sponsored THE NEW PILGRIM BIBLE, KJV By E. Schuyler English & Marion Bishop Bower ~ Quick Free Delivery in 2-14 days. They are 3/8 wide and plenty long enough to be useable. If you have not received a notification, we are still waiting for the shipment to arrive. Thats an impressive list and to place the 2nd ed. It seems that there is an area of non-attachment between the two running the entire length of the hinge with a width of perhaps to 5/16 inch?? For instance, I believe it was Jongbloed in the Netherlands that printed and bound the Schuyler Westminster; they also print and bind Cambridge bibles, the new Omega bible by Crossway and if Im not mistaken certain bibles from TBS, maybe even the TBS Westminster? That would be an amazing Bible. One thing I like about this is that it contains the first chapter that appears and not the first chapter that starts on that page. Am very satisfied with this example. No significant difference, just sample variation. And when it comes to Bible translations Ive always found this old quote from a Rabbi interesting: He who translates literally is a liar, and he who translates liberally is a blasphemer. A quote from an interesting article found in the link below. God bless all of you. The ribbon placement is very nice, not perfect, but quite close to being so. Tried to keep this short yet explainable. They are able to produce relatively good quality bibles at a good price because there are people like me who send them money every month as a tithe. If I have done anything to offend any one of you all or if my comments have even made someone uncomfortable, please forgive me. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Allan NIV1 BL (Classic Reference Edition) Bible at the best online prices at eBay! Schuyler KJV Canterbury Bible. This makes it a little difficult to use but it has more entries for less space, so its a good tradeoff. We have the massacre of Christians in Africa and as the Mideast has purposely been destabilized, countries which did offer a measure of safety for their Christian factions is diminishing in the current civil upheavals. The text is extremely easy to read for its size and also seems uninterrupted despite reference numbers being in the text. For instance, Ive noted comments such as pathetic and unacceptable in the description of the Schuyler KJV Westminster and later the term lifeless was mentioned in regards to modern bible translations. The references and notes make the Schuyler KJV Reference Bible a great study Bible by giving you tools to define words and compare Scripture with Scripture. Now, the hinge area at the rear of the cover and spine is more tightly formed, i.e. After a few months I had to get the tape and glue out. Ill let it go for a hreat deal. of the paper in about eight random locations in the same area of page between pages 50 through 630. Schuyler Canterbury KJV, Full Yapp Black Goatskin Bible. To each of us as hath been given light or delusion. There are four luxurious ribbons in four colors: green, purple, brown, and gold. Seems they could have preformed a smaller radius there as the hinge radius is somewhat smaller on its bottom side? A lost society of short attention spans that cannot endure quiet or function without stimulation. Longprimer- teaching and preaching. So I guess until it does, it is as you so eloquently and humorously put it in harmony with the times. I hold no animosity to those who hold other opinions, what is important to me is that the Bible be read, respected and honored, and most importantly that Gods Word be uplifted throughout the world. Thank you very much for your input and your reviews. Scofield Notes) - Goatskin Edition $299.99 $225.00 KJV Large Print Thompson Chain Reference Bible - Lambskin Edition $169.99 $145.00 SCHUYLER NASB PERSONAL Size Quentel Black Goatskin - EUR 94,33. As you can see in my brief review above. Kind Regards to all brothers and sisters in Christ, Schuyler first released the KJV Treveris (named after a 16th-century British printer) in 2019. The KJV Reference is more comfortable to carry and hold. $ 200.00 $ 190.00. I think that most printing is indeed done overseas, this is due to the lamentable cost of labor and material here in the United States of America probably more than for any other reason. I often find my thumb or pinky finger hooked under the spine while I hold the bible when reading. Schuyler Quentel KJV (when it comes out). LOAN STAR PAWN LLC STATE 354609134976 The brown leather of my Schuyler is the most unique shade I have ever had, yet it is elegant and thick. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Free shipping. Thanks for the update Christopher. There are two essential elements in every language: form (whether oral or written) which includes the phonological, grammatical, and lexical systems . THIS is a DEAL BREAKER I think for me. There are 32 blank pages in the back for notes. If I had those answers, I would imagine that there would be literally thousands willing to pay to consult with me. Rated 4 out of 5. by mcintyre.robert It has the same footprint as the Concord (just a little thicker) and the font is more like the Quentel is size and boldness. Schuyler looks at all the aspects of Bible Binding to produce a Bible that represents the highest quality in binding, materials, craftsmanship & legibility. Our best approximation for arrival in our warehouse is May. I recently received the 2nd generation Schuyler KJV in purple, and Im totally pleased with it. and place your order, then after a few weeks find your new bible waiting inside your mailbox. If they made a Quentel with 10 point font instead of 11 it seems like that 10% smaller form factor would move it to the top of my list. The goatskin cover is of the highest quality. I think its great someone can buy three quality bibles for the price of a Schuyler, but with all due respect I cant help but question the comparison. I have the Schuyler in Mahogany as well as a 53BR. Sent the bible back to EVB today and requested a replacement with the black cover as a result of yesterdays telephone conversation. And its text block is only equaled by the Westminster, although it uses a different font. This condition is not there with the edge lined goatskin Schuyler. On the other hand, Schuyler is a private business with employees who depend upon their jobs and the success of their bible sales. I have found the study helps, the references, the imbedded archaic dictionary, and alternative translations of Hebrew and Greek words very helpful. While there are many nice features on the current crop, I also notice a lack of attention in some aspects of workmanship. Anyway some great work for $98 shipped according to the receipt I found in the bible when it arrived. Sorry for the long question but I want to ask a couple of people that have actually handled both options. It is most prominently shown in a picture of the red cover bible (IMG_2356.jpg). Yes, we do have so much to be thankful for and for those that publish the Word of God. WordPress writer by day, Bible reviewer by night, pastor all the time. What can we say when we compare our lives to theirs and why we are blessed with so much in our freedom of worship, knowledge of His Word, in the midst of great apostasy and moral depravity? TYNDALE SELECT NLT Reference Bible (Black Calfskin Leather) Very Rare - $214.73. (#133619670727 . I seen elsewhere your recommendation of a 4 book combination and do concur. Home Shop Schuyler Personal Size Canterbury KJV, Firebrick Red Goatskin Bible, Zipper Edition Schuyler Personal Size Canterbury KJV, Firebrick Red Goatskin Bible, Zipper Edition Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings ( 4 customer reviews) $ 200.00 In stock Add to cart ADD IMPRINTING Please allow 1-2 extra days for imprinting Click Here I actually enjoy that cracking sound you referred to myself. Schuyler uses only the finest materials in crafting their Bibles. Cambridge KJV Concord Reference Bible, Dark Blue Goatskin-RED Letter, Full Yapp. You will have to contact the seller. 3. I hoghly recommend this bible. Guide to Using the Westminster Bible Covers the features of this Bible and how to use them. Im hoping its true, as this is an important feature for me. I would hope that the leaders of each of these companies would use the information youve provided here to do an even better job. This is not meant to be harsh, but realistic and candid. Most Bibles would not include chapter 38 at the top of the page. The big issue is the ribbons. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Take for instance if you were to purchase a TBS Westminster, but you decided you wanted to have it bound in Goatskin or even a different color binding, your purchase price and the costs of the rebind will exceed the costs of a Schuyler, and happy hunting finding someone to stitch the perimeter of the binding for you. In today's video, we take look at an out of print KJV Schuyler Reference BiblePickup a TBS Westminster here - Where to buy: Schuyler KJV Reference Bible. References are keyed to the text with letters. Cambridge KJV Concord Reference Bible, Dark Blue Goatskin-RED Letter, Full Yapp. The Stridon is Schuyler's latest Bible design. Or even a portion of the bible in the poorest quality print on wrinkled, aged newsprint! Schuyler Bibles establishes a new level of quality in Bible binding. The Long Primer is definitely a more chocolate brown color. I should have been more clear. One thing not mentioned previously was that there was a section of about 2 to 2.5 inches on the cover flange that was narrower than usual. Schuyler KJV Canterbury Bible. 3. It can be a little difficult to hold open with just one hand, but thats normal for limp covers. I would also like to see a decorative trim, like a gold line, around stitching of the liner. Critically comparing the ghosting in the same areas of both with the Schuyler, I can see absolutely no empirical difference with my eyeball. For quick reference and easy use, verse format is fine. It has 6 raised ribs. Now available in two major translations -- the ESV and NASB -- with the potential for more on the way, the Quentel has been designed from the ground up by 2K/Denmark as the ultimate double-column reference Bible, printed and bound in the .

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